Tag: heart month

Stethoscope forming a heart shape
February 20, 2020/London

Public Unaware That Heart Risks Are Controllable, a Cleveland Clinic Survey Finds

British public aren’t aware of the impact they can have on their heart health and underestimate the threat of heart disease

Candy hearts
February 10, 2020/International News

Para el Día de San Valentín, piense en su salud cardíaca y la de su pareja

Una encuesta de Cleveland Clinic muestra que a los estadounidenses les preocupa la salud cardíaca de sus parejas

candy hearts – I love you
February 10, 2020/News Releases

For Valentine’s Day, Think of Your – and Your Partner’s – Heart Health

Cleveland Clinic survey shows Americans are concerned with their partner’s heart health

Young woman in medical consultation with female doctor
January 30, 2020/News Releases

Cleveland Clinic Survey: Most Americans Don’t Know Heart Disease Is Leading Cause of Death in Women

Survey finds Americans underestimate the threat of heart disease, don’t understand most risk factors are controllable

Stethoscope and heart on Bathroom Sacles
January 31, 2019/News Releases

Los estadounidenses están preocupados por su peso, pero no entienden el vínculo con las afecciones cardíacas y la salud en general

La encuesta de Cleveland Clinic muestra que la mayoría de los estadounidenses no conoce su IMC (Índice de masa corporal), o que el exceso de peso inclina la balanza para problemas cardíacos comunes como la enfermedad de las arterias coronarias

Stethoscope and heart on Bathroom Sacles
January 31, 2019/News Releases

Americans Concerned About Their Weight, but Don’t Understand Link to Heart Conditions and Overall Health

Cleveland Clinic survey finds most Americans don’t know their BMI, or that excess weight tips the scales for common heart conditions like coronary artery disease

Flag of China
February 27, 2018/International News


Survey by Leading U.S. Hospital Cleveland Clinic Shows Need for Greater Heart Attack Awareness Among Chinese Public

heart china graphic1
February 27, 2018/International News



February 21, 2018/International News

Less Than Half of Indians Know How to Respond if Having a Heart Attack

Survey by leading U.S. hospital Cleveland Clinic shows clear need for greater heart attack awareness among Indian public

February 15, 2018/International News

دراسة أجراها المستشفى الأمريكي الشهير تُظهر حاجة ماسّة لنشر الوعي في أوساط المجتمع

كليفلاند كلينك: كثير من سكان الخليج يجهلون أعراض النوبة القلبية

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