One hundred and sixty-two faculty across Cleveland Clinic have been recognized as outstanding preceptors for year 3 medical students during their core clerkships in 2020. This prestigious recognition is based on a set of criteria including the frequency and quality of feedback provided by the faculty to the medical students and the evaluation of the faculty by the students. A few faculty were nominated by their clerkship directors to receive this award.
Our medical students learn by working closely with faculty who help ensure that students have an excellent learning experience. Giving frequent, timely, specific, non-judgmental and useful feedback is a critical part of teaching.
Each faculty member was presented with a CCLCM educator pin as a token of appreciation and recognition for their continued support of our medical students and Cleveland Clinic’s educational mission.
The entire CCLCM community is sincerely grateful to our faculty for their deep commitment to and passion for educating our future physician investigators.