August 23, 2023/Daily Health Stories

How Having a Pet Can Benefit your Health

Many people will be celebrating their four-legged friends on National Dog Day Saturday. But whether you’re a dog or cat person, a physician explains how simply having a pet can positively impact your health.


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CLEVELAND – Many people will be celebrating their four-legged friends on National Dog Day this Saturday.

But whether you’re a dog or cat person, simply having a pet can positively impact your health.

“Pet ownership can ease depression, improve mood, reduce stress and even encourage physical activity,” explained Dr. Kenneth Koncilja with Cleveland Clinic.

We all know regular exercise is good for us, and a dog can motivate us to do just that.

Taking them for a walk helps you get your steps in while also encouraging socialization if you meet other people along your route or go to a dog park.

No matter what type of pet you have, Dr. Koncilja said research shows that simply having one can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Spending time with your four-legged friend also gives you a boost of those feel-good brain chemicals – serotonin and dopamine.

Dr. Koncilja, who specializes in geriatric medicine, adds caring for an animal gives us a sense of purpose, which can be crucial for older adults who may feel isolated.

“Older adults can benefit greatly from a companion pet, especially if they’ve been isolated from other people,” he said. “It can provide them with opportunities to engage with other pet owners and be more physically active.”

If you can’t own one yourself, Dr. Koncilja said you can get some of the same benefits by volunteering at an animal shelter or spending time with a friend’s pet.

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