From your age to your hair type, how often you should wash your hair depends on many factors. A dermatologist explains.
Is your child a picky eater? A registered dietitian explains why that is a common problem and offers some advice for parents.
A registered dietitian explains what to know about the FDA's ban on red dye No. 3 and how this could impact the foods you buy.
While the odds of winning the lottery are incredibly low, many of us still love to dream about hitting the jackpot. A psychologist explains why.
Struggling after a night of tossing and turning? A sleep specialist goes over how to recover from a bad night's sleep.
An oncologist offers some insight into the annual cancer trends report released by the American Cancer Society.
A dermatologist goes over how often you should shower and offers some tips to keep your skin healthy when you lather up.
With another arctic blast making its way across many parts of the US, an emergency medicine physician offers tips on how to avoid frostbite and hypothermia.
A dentist explains why it's crucial to keep up with your oral health and how neglecting it could put you at risk for other medical issues.
A sports medicine physician explains why it's important to keep your body moving in the winter and offers some exercise ideas to embrace the colder weather.