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September 4, 2024/Daily Health Stories

Survey Shows How Age Impacts Men's Health Concerns PKG

A new Cleveland Clinic MENtion It survey shows how men of different ages feel about addressing their health concerns, and some of the findings may be surprising.

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CLEVELAND - A new Cleveland Clinic survey found 95% of men in the United States say that living a healthy lifestyle is a top priority.

However, those numbers change when it comes to taking action.

It appears Gen X and Boomers are more likely than Gen Z and Millennials to go in for annual exams or recommended screenings.

The same goes for having a primary care doctor.

“Regardless of your age, there are certain health issues that you may be at risk for based on things like family history,” said Petar Bajic, MD, urologist for Cleveland Clinic. “Even for younger men who may not be as much at risk for some of the things that happen later in life, it’s important for them to get routine health maintenance visits for things like blood pressure, cholesterol, etcetera.”

And while Gen Z and Millennials aren’t regularly getting things like physicals, six out of ten say they do take care of their mental health.

The survey also shows most men, no matter the age, are scared of getting cancer, but rates of screenings and cancer awareness remain low.

“A lot of people assume there would be some symptom, but there’s not always a symptom, especially when it’s early on,” said Dr. Bajic. “Prostate cancer, for example, really doesn’t have any symptoms until it becomes very advanced.”

In addition, two-thirds of men admit if they experience a sexual performance issue, it makes them feel like less of a man.

Dr. Bajic said that shouldn’t be the case and is another reason why it’s important to address any health concerns.

“Some men out there might not know that cardiovascular disease is actually the most common cause for erectile dysfunction,” he said. “So, there’s a big tie between overall health issues and sexual health. They shouldn’t be ashamed if there’s a problem. They should think of this as a symptom that could be something more serious that’s going on.”

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