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International News

World Map Color Physical – Spanish Language Version – Vector Detailed Illustration
November 29, 2022/International News

Cleveland Clinic Expands Access to Care with an Ecuador-based Representative

Ecuador is among 13 countries to have a local citizen who can connect patients with Cleveland Clinic care

Political Physical Topographic Colored World Map Pacific Centered
November 29, 2022/International News

Cleveland Clinic Expands Access to Care with a Mexico-based Representative

Mexico is among 13 countries to have a local citizen who can connect patients with Cleveland Clinic care  

Cleveland Clinic London Exterior
March 31, 2022/International News

كليفلاند كلينك توسع حضورها الدولي وتفتتح اليوم مستشفى لندن

مستشفى كليفلاند كلينك الأول في أوروبا يتيح وصول المرضى المحليين والزائرين إلى شبكة عالمية من الأطباء والمتخصصين

Cleveland Clinic London Exterior
March 29, 2022/International News

Hoy Cleveland Clinic Amplía su Presencia Global con la Apertura del Hospital de Londres

El primer hospital de Cleveland Clinic en Europa brinda acceso a una red global de médicos y especialistas

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February 24, 2022/International News

Cleveland Clinic London Survey Shows Reduction in Physical Activity Levels Since Onset of Pandemic

Survey of adults published during National Heart Month also finds majority of Londoners can identify heart-healthy diets, but do not follow a specific diet

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February 23, 2022/International News

Cleveland Clinic Canada Survey Shows Almost a Quarter of Canadians are Unaware of What Diets are Heart Healthy

Survey of adults published during Heart Month also finds COVID-19 pandemic impacted negatively on activity levels, particularly among older generations

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February 21, 2022/International News

Cleveland Clinic Survey Shows Majority of Indians Are Not Aware of Several Key Risk Factors for Heart Disease

Poll of adults finds the risks of obesity, smoking/vaping and not exercising are underestimated, particularly among the younger generations

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February 21, 2022/International News

Cleveland Clinic Heart Survey Finds Mexicans Are Exercising Less Amid Pandemic; 50% Don’t Recognize a Sedentary Lifestyle as a Risk Factor for Heart Disease

With heart disease on the rise, a survey of adults across the country finds only half follow a specific diet plan and many are unaware of modifiable lifestyle risks

CCC-Tadiello-228860_Breast Cancer Vaccine Experiment
October 26, 2021/International News

التجربة السريرية الجديدة تستند على بحث أجراه معهد ليرنر للأبحاث التابع للمستشفى

كليفلاند كلينك يبدأ في إجراء أول دراسة للقاح يقي من سرطان الثدي

CCC Tadiello 2507064 Breast cancer vaccine prep 10-25-21 LDJ
October 26, 2021/International News

Cleveland Clinic lanza el primer estudio de vacuna preventiva contra el cáncer de mama

Nuevo ensayo clínico basado en la investigación del Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute

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