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Opioid Oped
December 6, 2017/Opinion

An Rx for Drug Prices: D.C. should drop the rhetoric and pass this one reform

In Newsweek op-ed, Chief Pharmacy Officer Scott Knoer calls for increased competition and expedited approval of generic/biosimilar drugs

breast cancer pink ribbon
October 30, 2017/Opinion

Breast Cancer Awareness Doesn’t End in October

Importance of breast cancer advocacy and action year round

September 27, 2017/Opinion

It’s Time to Focus on Real Healthcare Reform

Affordable Care Act needs effective fixes, not more "repeal and replace" efforts

Healthcare reform
September 22, 2017/Opinion

Why Cleveland Clinic Opposes Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Bill

States, hospitals, patients will all suffer under proposed overhaul

August 4, 2017/Opinion

Eric Kodish, M.D. at HuffPost: The Tragedy of Playing Politics with Children’s Health

Charlie Gard's life and tragic death co-opted by politics, ideologies

April 20, 2017/Opinion

Why Multitasking Is Bad for You

Andre Machado, M.D., Ph.D., and Cynthia Kubu, Ph.D., explain why multitasking doesn't work, at TIME.com

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